Regular Friday Night Practices Start Sept 8 @ 7pm Clearwater Blue, News, Bantam C, 2017-2018 (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 07, 2017 | JohnMacLeod | 1407 views
Regular Friday Night Practices Start Sept 8 @ 7pm Clearwater Blue
Regular Friday Night Practices start this week, Sept 8 from 7-8pm Clearwater Blue. This will be our regular practice time and practice ice.

We will then be back on the ice Sunday, Sept 10 from noon til 1pm at PASA 2. This will be our regular game time and home ice for the season. 

Please click on the Team Calendar on the website to see that our game and practices dates and times are now there. Our game opponents will be filled when after the scheduling meeting.

The regular season will start at the beginning of October. The 1st half of the regular season schedule will be determined at the WOGHL meeting being held on September 27th. Who we'll be playing should appear on the Team Calendar by Friday, September 29th.

Blackout dates are Friday Nov 3rd and Sun Nov 5th, Sunday Dec 24th & Friday Dec 29th, Friday Jan 12th & Saturday Jan 14th, Friday Jan 19th & Sunday Jan 21st.

As mentioned in the email sent out earlier this week, our first tournament will be Nov 24-26th. We have a choice of two excellent tournaments. We are waiting for some info on both to make the final decision. Depending on the one we decide to compete in will have some impact on whether our 2nd tournament will be January 12-14 or February 9-11. Stayed tuned, it's going to be fun!

Our entry is confirmed for the 37th Annual Walter Gretzky Girls Hockey Tournament Feb 23 -25th, staying aet Quality Hotel & Suites in Woodstock.

Chuck A Puck is 2 weeks away on Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Sting Home Opener vs Kitchener Rangers. Sign up sheets and information will be distributed at this Friday and Sunday's practice.

September's $250 Ice Fee installment is now due.

Go Sting Go!