What Should Be In Your Trainer Kit (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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PrintWhat Should Be In Your Trainer Kit

Things you will use the most:

  1. Hair elastics!
  2. Kleenex
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. Instant cold packs - use disposables
  5. Ziplock bags for snow (in lieu of disposable cold packs)
  6. Band aids various sizes
  7. Disposable surgical gloves (no surgery performed but you should wear them when dealing with snotty noses, falling out teeth, touching mouth-guards and dealing with minor cuts

Other first aid materials used less frequently:

  1. Gauze and medical tape
  2. Antiseptic wipes
  3. Tweezers for splinters
  4. Sling for arm
  5. Tensor bandage (used only by someone who has been trained in wrapping)
  6. Tampons/pads

Hockey specific materials to have:

  1. Extra neck guard
  2. Extra mouth guard
  3. Extra jill/shorts or garter
  4. Helmet repair kit
  5. Extra skate laces
  6. Hockey tape (clear, white and black)
  7. Scissors
  8. Small zip lock bags
  9. Skate sharpening stone
  10. All player medical forms should be kept in the trainers kit for the duration of the season. These contain private information and should only be viewed by the trainers. Forms should be returned to the family at the end of the season.