2017 /2018 Sarnia Sting Girls Bantam C Team Info, News, Bantam C, 2017-2018 (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 01, 2017 | johnmacleod | 1327 views
2017 /2018 Sarnia Sting Girls Bantam C Team Info
2017 /2018 Sarnia Sting Girls Bantam C Team Info

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting on June 25th. The following information contains several updates from Sunday’s meeting based upon your valuable feedback at the meeting and during this past week. The following information has been sent to you by email with attachments containing the SGH registration form, SGH fee explanation form and the parent/player contact list. We recommend that you save this team page as a bookmark on your computer and your smartphone.

It is vitally important that your daughter is registered with Sarnia Girls Hockey as soon as possible if you have not already done so. This will allow us to have our roster approved so that we may enter the tournaments that we would like to compete in and book the hotel of our choice before they are filled up.



Coach: John MacLeod      
Assistant: Tom Foster

Assistant: Jeff Paetz
Assistant: Jeff MacLean
Trainer: Krystie Letang

Trainer: Christine MacLeod
Parent Liaison: Steve Norcross

Manager: Glen Fenwick

Team Fee: $750

Shirt Sponsor: $150

Total: $900

You will receive:

Sarnia Sting Flex Pack ($170, you can sell the tickets and keep the money)

15 Cash Calendar’s (Calendar’s can be sold $20 ea. and you can keep the money)

3 Tournaments (4th tournament is based upon fund raising and schedule availability)

A Christmas Team Get Together

Cheques can be made out to: Lady Sting Bantam C Hockey

Payment is to be made in 3 installments of $250 payable on Aug 1 / Sept 1 / Oct 1. Post dated cheques can be left with John or Glen.

A detailed budget will be made available to all parents after it has been approved by Coach John MacLeod and Parent Rep Steve Norcross. Team bank account funds can only be withdrawal by John and Glen co-signing.

Pool Party, July 9th from 2-4pm! Our first team social is being hosted by April Martin and her parents, Tammy and Steve Martin at their house located at 1726 Confederation Line. Bring a towel, parents are welcome to stay otherwise drop your daughter off. They have a loveable, friendly Aussiepoo dog that you can talk to Tammy about if you have any pet concerns. Please let Tammy know if you can’t make it. 519-381-1401 is Tammy’s cell.

New Team Jerseys: Shirts are to be returned at the end of the year. The Black jersey is our home jersey and the Gold jersey is our away jersey

#2 / 3 / 4 / 5 are Small

#6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 are Medium

#12 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 are Large

#1 / 30 are Goalie

Girls who were on the Sting Bantam C team last year will have first choice at their old number.

Jersey sponsorship is $150 for the home jersey or $250 for both jersey’s. You will receive a sponsorship letter to provide to potential sponsors.

Installation and removal of Name Bars / Sponsor Bars: It is required by SGA that they are installed and removed professionally in order to take care of the new shirts. The team will cover the cost of the installation and removal. Please provide your name bars or they can be made for $30 for a pair.

Proposed Tournaments:

Kitchener FallFest Tournament, Friday November 24th – Sunday November 26th

Walter Gretzky Tournament, Friday February 23rd – Sunday February 25th 2018

3rd / 4th Tournament Yet To Be Decided Upon

Change Room Etiquette:

As per OWHA Regulations, parents are not allowed access to the change room.

Change room schedule and rules have been established to ensure that safety and appropriate focus is given to the game or practice.

A Room Mom is to be in attendance at all times.

Games & Practices:

At all times, should you know that you will be unable to attend or late please try to contact me as soon as possible in advance. Text / Phone: 226-402-0478 or [email protected]

Please arrive with proper attire and footwear for dryland warmup.

Games – please arrive 60 minutes prior to gametime – Stretch for 10 minutes as a group with the trainer

15 minutes – Skates tied (note: parents are not allowed in dressing room, girls will come out to have skates tied).

10 minutes – Final instructions from Coaches.

Practices – Please Arrive 45 Minutes Before Ice Time – stretch for 10 minutes as a group with the trainer

15 minutes – Skates tied (note: parents are not allowed in dressing room, girls will come out to have skates tied).

10 minutes – Final instructions from Coaches

The Captain and Assistant’s will be chosen by the coaching staff after a reasonable amount of time for assessment has taken place with games and practices.

All player’s will receive equal amount of ice time and instruction from the coaching staff.

If game circumstances have provided us with a large goal difference over the team we are competing against we MAY play some of the developing players more than others toward the end of the game to gain more experience.

In the event of a close game in a tournament or playoff situation the coaches MAY play some players who have played above and beyond, ahead of others during the last 5 minutes or power play or penalty kill situations.

Fund Raising: We require that every family puts forward their best effort in fundraising as each player will benefit equally from our fundraising success.

We will have a “Basket of Cheer” raffle this summer. Tickets will be sold for $5 each. Each player / parent will receive 20 tickets to sell and more when you’ve sold those. The draw will be August 3rd, prior to the Civic Holiday weekend so that the winner can appreciate the basket of social gifts during the summer. Details to follow.

Chuck A Puck: We have secured the home opener Sarnia Sting game vs the Kitchener Rangers on Saturday, September 23rd @ 7pm. Chuck A Puck Nights are a lot of fun for the girls and a great way to raise money. Details to follow.

We are always looking for other forms of fundraising and look forward to your ideas and energy!

Social Media Policy:

We ask for the co-operation of all parents in this new form of communication that can be both very positive and very hurtful toward others. Derogatory comments by players or parents toward others will not be tolerated in person or by social media. Supporting your fellow teammate both on the ice and off comes first and foremost. Comparisons of other players skill level etc. or any remarks that are found to be derogatory will be dealt with quickly so that it doesn’t get out of hand and ruin the team spirit. We want to make all players and parents pause and think before they hit “Send”. Any cyber bullying or intimidation will result in a one game suspension. Repeated acts will result in exclusion from the team. This includes Snapchat, text, Twitter, KIK, Facebook or any other form of social media or verbal abuse.

Facebook: The team will have a secret Facebook page called Sarnia Sting Girls Bantam C Hockey Team. It will be a fun place for us to share pictures, video and memories of our 2017 / 2018 Girls Sting Bantam C Team. Any member of the group can add family and friends who will be able to see the fun that the girls will be having on our team and keeping track of how we are doing at games and tournaments. We encourage everyone to share their memories of this fun time that we get to experience together as we watch our daughters grow.

Parent Concerns: Please allow 24 hours of cooling off before you express your concerns to the Parent Rep. who will then bring your concerns to the coaching staff for resolution.

Girls Silver Stick Tournament: The Girls Silver Stick Tournament is hosted by the Sarnia Girls Hockey Association. Each family is required to provide 3 hrs of volunteer time at the tournament or the team will be charged $60 per player as a donation which will be passed along to the players parents. We will communicate to you the volunteer information when it is available.

Team Communication: you will receive by email a contact list of parent / player email addresses and cell #’s. Please let us know if the information is correct and any changes or additions you’d like to see.

All email addresses and cell #’s that have been collected have been added to the automatic notification centre on the team website https://sarniagirlshockey.com/Teams/1044/

Email notifications are sent when there is a Schedule Change / Game Result / News Article or Event notification or update.

Text notifications are sent when there is a Schedule Change or Event update.

Game Day Text: A game day text will be sent out as a reminder of the game time and location for all away games.

Your thoughts are greatly valued by the coaching staff.

Go Sting Go!