Tuesday Practice and Dryland Training Afteward, News, Peewee C, 2016-2017 (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 16, 2017 | GlenFenwick | 413 views
Tuesday Practice and Dryland Training Afteward
Our next practice is at our regular time and place, 6pm Tuesday on the PASA 2 Rink. Lieutenant Pam will be holding dryland training in the mezzanine of PASA 1 after the practice so please bring your running shoes if you'd like to stay for it. Thank you Lieutenant Pam for volunteering!!!

For those interested in powerskating with Carol MacPherson, her next 6 session class for Peewee's starts on

Monday 6:30 - 7:30pm - January 23rd  - March 6th. Excludes: February 20th.  The cost is $140 + $65 non refundable. More information can be found at www.moorskateclub.ca 
Go Sting Go!!!