Registration Information & FAQs (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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  Lady_Sting_Revised_Logo_2023.png  2024-2025 Registration Information
                                            Registration NOW Open! Click Here to Register
                                                 !!!Please look for communication from your Coach or Team Manager before registering!!!

What do my Sarnia Jr Lady Registration Fees Include?

Ice Time
Teams in the U9 & above will receive up to 45 hours of Association ice time from mid-September 2024 to the end of March 2025. This time is designated for all practices, exhibition games, provincial playdowns, and league play, including both the regular season and playoffs. Any additional ice time beyond 45 hours for U9 Rep & above will be managed and budgeted by the individual teams. The U7 category will be allocated up to 40 hours of Association ice time starting in early October and ending in March 2025. Any additional ice time beyond the 40 hours for U7 will be managed and budgeted by the individual teams.

20 games allocated regardless of type i.e. regular season, playoff, playdown or exhibition.

OWHA League & Registration Fees
All Teams and players OWHA registration fees as well as individual league fees will be covered.

OWHA & Hockey Canada Insurance Fees
Registration fees will cover the costs for all player insurance fees and up to five bench staff per team. Any bench staff beyond this number will need to be accounted for in the team fees and will be charged back to the respective teams.

Payment Schedule & Late Fees

To help families with registration costs, an installment schedule is provided below. Individuals who fail to meet the outlined payment dates will incur a total of $100 in late fees by the final due date if not paid in full. Non-payment of fees in full will lead to a suspension from all ice-related activities until all fees are up to date; this also includes 2024/25 try-out fees and previous season registration fees.


All goalies will pay 50% of the season registration fees.  The player must be a full time goalie in order to receive the discount and will receive a unique code from their Coach to apply the discount when registering.  For U9, no players may identify as goalie at registration until 90 days of play and with Coach sign-off; a refund will be issued for all players who meet these stipulations.

2024-2025 Registration Fees

2024-2025 Registration Fees


Base Fee*

U7 (2018/2019)


U9 to U18


Both ice and referee costs have increased substantially from previous years and 2024-2025 fees reflect those increases.

Instalment Schedule

2024-2025 REGISTRATION Instalment Schedule


1st Instalment
Upon Try-It Registration

2nd Instalment

FINAL Instalment






1st Instalment
Upon Registration by Oct.1st

2nd Instalment

FINAL Instalment





2024-2025 REGISTRATION Instalment Schedule


1st Instalment
Upon Registration

2nd Instalment
Aug. 1st

FINAL Instalment
Sept. 1st

U11 to U18




Upon registration, registration fees can either be paid in full or in instalments based on the dates outlined by division above.  Registrations fees do not include any team fees set by individuals teams and agreed upon by parents

Team Fees

Team fees are distinct charges set by and payable to each individual team. They encompass the team's operational expenses not covered by the previously mentioned items. These can include things like socks, tournament entry fees, additional ice time, and so on, as decided by the teams and their parents. The specifics of a team's fees will be disclosed in a parent meeting led by the Head Coach. Inquiries regarding team fees and their inclusions should be addressed to the Head Coach, Team Manager, or Team Treasurer.


Sarnia Jr. Lady Sting accepts payments by cheque, eTransfer or credit card.  All credit card payments also will incur a 3% processing fee. 

Cheques made payable to: 

Sarnia Starfires
878 Prestwick Cres
N7S 4J9

A $25 charge will be applied for all NFS cheques

Please send eTransfer [email protected] including player name/division in the memo.

Refund Policy

Refunds will be provided for any reason based on the refund matrix below for the 2024-2025 season.  All refund requests should be directed to the Registrar via email at [email protected].  Try-out fees are non-refundable. A $50 administrative fee* will be applied to the refund.

2024-2025 Refund Matrix


Prior to Sept. 1st

Prior to Oct. 1st

Prior to Nov. 1st

December 1st & After

All Divisions




No refund