Sarnia Jr. Lady Sting 2024-2025 Player Experience Survey (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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Sarnia Jr. Lady Sting 2024-2025 Player Experience Survey
For Teams with TWO Head Coaches - U11 Howitt/Karelsen, U13 Donaldson/Vasey, and U13 Doyle/Philipsen, we ask that you complete the survey twice and on the second pass, you only need to fill out the Coach feedback section as all the other questions will allow you to bypass them. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to fill this out - we appreciate it and need it to help us continue evolve the organization!

General Hockey Experience

This section is for overall feedback about your player's experience with SJLS

Skill Development Experience

This section is to be completed for U9 & Up players only and related to the additional development session provided by the organization through the 2023-2024 season.

Head Coach Feedback

All feedback in this section should be specific to the head coach of your team only. Any other bench staff feedback should be included in the free form text in the next section.

Support Staff Feedback

We recognize that support staff play an important part of the team's experience and culture each year. If you have any staff (please be specific with names) you feel should be recognized for their contributions or specific concerns/comments, please include them here.