Silverstick Volunteer Signups NOW LIVE!, News (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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Dec 08, 2024 | Amy Carlaw | 111 views
Silverstick Volunteer Signups NOW LIVE!
Silverstick volunteer sign-ups are NOW LIVE!

Silverstick is running from Thursday, Jan. 2nd to Sunday, Jan. 5th.  Reminder that the volunteer equivalent per SJLS player U9 & up is 3 hours to help us support this long standing tournament in our hockey community.

The sign-up link is below with all arenas, divisions and days/times to pick from. Please indicate you team by for U9 by U9 & Coach Last name (i.e. U9 Hurst) and for U11 & up, just by age division (i.e. U11 A).
Please see your Team Manager for any questions you might have. If they are unable to answer them, they will connect with our Silverstick Liaison.
Thank you in advance! This tournament is only has good as our volunteers and we have the BEST around!
Royal LePage Key Realty
Thank you to Andrew Bain, Mike Cullis and Donna Mathewson for donating the space in the Royal LePage building for the monthly Executive Committee Meetings.
Planet Stitch
Thank you to Duffy Simon of Planet Stitch.