Spring & Summer Development Sessions, News (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting)

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Apr 08, 2024 | Amy Carlaw | 481 views
Spring & Summer Development Sessions
As we transition out of hockey season, there are programs and Skill Coaches will offer up camps, sessions, etc. through the Spring & Summer. While these are private sessions, not affiliated with Sarnia Jr. Lady Sting, often awareness of who and when is a challenge for parents if you don't know where to look or who to use.

As camps/sessions are made aware to us, we'll continue to load them in our Development section either under the Co-ed or Girls ONLY sections.  

Co-Ed Camps (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting) (sarniagirlshockey.com)
Girls Camps (Sarnia Jr Lady Sting) (sarniagirlshockey.com)

We have recently loaded a new camp from Derek Di Muzio with details available below.  Please reach out to Derek if you have any questions.  Don't miss your chance to secure a spot!

Royal LePage Key Realty
Thank you to Andrew Bain, Mike Cullis and Donna Mathewson for donating the space in the Royal LePage building for the monthly Executive Committee Meetings.
Planet Stitch
Thank you to Duffy Simon of Planet Stitch.